
Toilet species

1, according to the motor structure can be divided into: single-phase capacitor type, shaded pole single-phase, three-phase induction, DC and AC and DC series wound commutator electric room fans.
2, can be divided according to use classification: Household fans and industrial exhaust fan.
(1) Household fans: a ceiling fan, table fan, stand fan, wall fan, roof fan, fan, fan page, air-conditioning fan (ie cooling fans) and the like; and there were desk fan shook his head and not his head points , and some fan page; floor fans in his head, turn the page. There is also a breeze small fan, is specialized in the nets hanging in the summer at night, opened it suddenly breezy, can secure in sleep, you will not get sick.
(2) Industrial exhaust fan: mainly used for forced air convection only. Fans with long after, the following blades are easily stained with a lot of dust. This is a fan at work, due to the friction between the blade and the air leaving the bathroom window fans to bring the static nature of the charged object can attract small and light objects, which can absorb small indoor floating dust caused.

